Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Great People Don't Always Do A Great Job

Gold Star Referral Clubs meet weekly to give and receive referrals.

I recently heard Lee Cockerell speak and no one knows more about leadership than Lee Cockerell, the man who ran Walt Disney World® Resort operations for over a decade. After I heard him speak, I immediately ordered his book, Creating Magic, 10 common sense leadership strategies.

I listened when he said,  "Great people don't always do a great job unless they have great training, the training is enforced and they are proud to be a part of the culture."

When I think about the people that we've hired over the years as Gold Star Directors, some of them have turned out great and some... not so great. Some are great at doing the main things, the basics over and over again, and some never even figure out how to do the basics.

The more I read from Lee Cockerell's book Creating Magic, the more I learned about how to help Gold Star Directors become great leaders. 

You see, hiring the right people is good, but training the right people to do the right things is invaluable. At Disney, they train, train, enforce and re-train their employees. Each individual gets the right training for the right job. They get to know each person as an individual, not just a face in a flock of employees.

Gold Star Director are independent contractors, not employees, but each one is special and appreciated. Even though we have directors and clubs in about 16 states, we try to connect with them as much as possible with calls, training, emails and video conference sessions. Yet, we could do so much more. I want to do a better job. I am totally inspired by Lee.

If you get a chance, order Lee Cockerell's book today. I highly recommend it. He will make you want to become a better leader. 

Lee also said: "Leadership is more than a role, it's a responsibility."

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Your Referral Partners

"Your clients, friends and neighbors can become your passive sales team, advocates and referral partners; always working on your behalf." 

DEFINITION of an advocate: “one who pleads the case of another.”  When a person becomes an advocate for your services, you have achieved a rewarding relationship of closeness and trust. They become a valuable referral partner, anxious to send you more business.

Why referrals are better:

1. You will spend half the time selling a referred prospect than non-referred.
2. When referred, people come ready to buy.
3. Referred prospects have greater loyalty.
4. Referred clients are more likely to refer you to others.

 Four ways to convert clients into Referral Partners:

1. Give them something to talk about with memorable stories about other clients that you have helped.
2. Spend some one-on-one time with key clients who can be a continual referral source for you.
3. Deliberately nurture key relationships with care and reciprocal referrals.
4. Be there for them. Commit to helping them grow their business.

 Your Referral Partners will GLADLY refer you when…
  • You make them look good.
  • You give them great success stories to re-tell.
  • Follow-up promptly on all referrals.
  • Say thank-you every time.
  • Return the favor and refer business to THEM.
  • You nurture the relationship and stay in touch, with visits, calls and emails. 
Develop and build a list of people that know, like and trust you; those people who will gladly and continually refer to you, as you do the same for them. They are your Referral Partners. Treat them right!