Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Connecting to Your People

It’s a people-base not just a database!
It’s about People.

Look at your list of names, email addresses and phone numbers. Now shift your thinking to the fact that it represents real people, with personalities and needs. 

It’s a people-base not just a database. When you see them as people, it will be easier to connect with them.

Treat your people like valued partners.

Separate out your top 15 or 25. You want to call them more often than the rest. Yes, that means picking up the phone and actually making a call. Connect with them in a deeper way, let them know that they're important to you.

Visit for awhile, then ask them,
"How can I help you today… or someone you know? I want you to know that if you or any of your family or friends have any questions about (whatever you do) please call me. I'm happy to help."
Be supportive of your top 25 people. Keep them informed and communicate to them often. Treat them as a community of people who really love and respect you, and they will.

Have fun.

These are your people and they want to hear from you.  Sometimes, it may be appropriate to text them or message them on Facebook.

Is one of your favorite business people a great photographer? Take a photo with your phone of something unique and text him the shot, with a message like:

“I knew you'd appreciate this sunset with the city in the background, we’re on the balcony of Top Hat Restaurant.” 

Ask for their invaluable feedback.

What do you think of the new website? Do you like the video? Which photo do you feel will work best on my new business cards? You may consider surveying your people-base on various aspects about your service or industry, or even get their thoughts on a new way of marketing.

Receiving more referrals from your people-base.

As you get to know your valued list, you will see that there are a few business people that would be ideal candidates for becoming a member of your Gold Star Referral Club. Invite them to join you at your business networking meeting.

The best ways to get someone to give you referrals is to:
  • give them a referral
  • introduce them to one of your best clients
  • invite them to meet other referral partners
  • thank them when they send their valuable clients to you.

 You are welcome to subscribe to this blog to learn more about growing your business with referrals.