How do you introduce someone at a networking event in such a way as to add instant value and credibility?
I use what I call, "who is" phrases. For example, last month, while I was at a local chamber business luncheon, I saw both a photographer and a web designer, that I knew very well, milling around the room looking a little lost. I realized that they might benefit from meeting each other.
When I introduced them, instead of just saying, "Doug, I'd like you to meet my friend Mary. I said, Mary, I would like to introduce you to Doug, who is a genius with a camera and my photographer for all my website photos. Doug, this is Mary, who is currently working on my new website and doing a marvelous job."
See how easy and natural that is to do? You can instantly add third-party credibility and value to the mix when using a "who is" phrase right after you say their name. And, like so many times when we give to others in a positive way, this type of introduction reflects back on you in a positive way. I have found that when I start to connect people to each other, they in return, like to introduce me to their friends also. It's a domino effect.
So, think about how you can add value to the relationships in your life by adding simple "who is" phrases. Just start your sentence and as soon as you say their name, add a "who is" statement.
Here are some examples:
- Brent, who is the best insurance agent I've ever met, will be on the call also.
- My office manager, who is a genius with numbers, will be able to get that to you faster than I can.
- My colleagues, who are hilariously fun to be with, would like to meet you.
- I found that Corey, who is a talented key note speaker, likes to use Facebook on a daily basis.
- I would like to welcome Mary, who is an outstanding leader in our California organization, to the call.
With a little practice, you can absolutely become a "who is" master and you can easily add value to your relationships with a few simple words.
Try it!